Japanese web novel translation: “Japan: A New Age” by Tasogarenin (黄昏人) [Chapter 7: Development stage one complete]

By | January 9, 2017

This is the 7th chapter of a Japanese Science Fiction web novel about a genius boy who helps develop amazing technologies that change Japan’s society drastically, eventually resulting in the colonization of outer space.

You can find the original text for this chapter here.

You can see the table of contents for the translated chapters here which includes a synopsis.

I’d like to thank Nijima Melodiam for doing a quick look over of this chapter before I posted it in order to check for any mistakes I missed.

Note: If you want to see more chapters of this work translated, please consider voting for it on this survey where I ask what I should translate more of. Or you can use that survey to vote for something else for me to translate (including adding your own suggestion).

[pdf-embedder url=”http://selftaughtjapanese.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/JapanANewAgeCh7-2.pdf” title=”Ch7″]japananewagechapter7-finalb

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4 thoughts on “Japanese web novel translation: “Japan: A New Age” by Tasogarenin (黄昏人) [Chapter 7: Development stage one complete]

  1. marco

    Thanks for the chapter.
    Im excited to see what the other countrys are going to do about this situation and what junpei is going to invent in the future:D

  2. Awesome Sauce

    Oh noes, I’m worried for Junpei but at the same time I can’t wait for his name to be released.
    Thanks for the chapter!

  3. Jason

    Good story. Probably in my top ten novels that i have read so far. Thanks for the translation.


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