Category Archives: aikido

Training Ki-Aikido in Osaka

Recently I discovered there was an extended Ki-Aikido training session being held in Osaka in the massive Asue Arena right around the time I had planned to be nearby on a family trip. While a bit nervous, I thought this would be an excellent opportunity to practice Japanese in Japan while learning more about how… Read More »

Aikido book review: 気の呼吸 (“Ki Breathing”) by 藤平信一 (Shin’ichi Tohei)

Kouichi Tohei (藤平光一) was a skilled martial artist who leveraged difficulties in his life to reach an amazing level of ability, and went on to established his own style of Aikido called Ki-Aikido, more formally known as Shin Shin Touitsu Aikido (心身統一合氣道). But he did more than simply practice physical martial arts techniques; Tohei Sensei… Read More »

Japanese book review: “コミュニケーションの原点は「氣」にあり!” (“Communication begins with Ki!”) by Shin’ichi Tohei (藤平信一)

I reviewed the book “Communication begins with Ki!”, the latest book by Shin’ichi Tohei, the head of the Ki Society and son of the founder of Ki Aikido, Koichi Tohei. In this book he talks about a variety of topics with Professor Katsuhiro Nishinari, many related to Ki or Ki-Aikido.