Arigatai Books’ end of year book sale

By | December 13, 2021

It’s been a busy year at the newly formed Arigatai Books, where we have released a handful of books as well as our first audio book. I have a few projects on the backlog, but for now I’d like to do an end-of-year sale to make it a little easier for everyone to enjoy what we have to offer.  (Note: sale prices will remain until the end of the year. You can check out our page on Amazon to see our full set of offerings. a total at 16 books at this time).

Three Special Girls: Classic Japanese Fiction by Ikujiro Ran

A trio of stories about women with surprising secrets, two with science fiction elements (hint: Androids might be involved…)

Sale price: $0.99 (original price $2.99)

Media: ebook

See the book here on Amazon

Language Motivation: Tips and inspirations for language learning by J.D. Wisgo

A collection of ideas to help change how you think about language learning and keep you motivated on your road to fluency. The book targets those learning any language, not just Japanese.

Media: ebook

Sale price: $0.99 (original price $2.99)

See the book here on Amazon

Days & Nights: Stories of classic Japanese women’s literature by Hayashi Fumiko

Nine stories by an important figure of classic Japanese women’s literature on the overarching theme of human relationships. Stories from a variety of genres are included: a tale of a woman’s gradual downfall in the big city, a couple’s struggle to find happiness, a fairy tale about an estranged crane family, a comical look at a traveler enamored by a maid, and a man wandering through the remnants of post-war Tokyo.

Media: Paperback

Sale price: $7.99 (original price $9.99)

See the book here on Amazon

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