Japanese Writing Lab #6: Where you live

By | January 3, 2019

This is the 6th assignment of a program I am running to help myself and others practice writing in Japanese. For details, see this post. Also see this post for a list of all assignments. [Update: I have fixed the link here, apologizes for the trouble.]

This time the topic will be “僕の住む場所” (boku no sumu basho), which means “Where I live”. Write a little about where you live, for example what is special about that area, what you dislike or like about it. If you are uncomfortable writing about where you live for privacy reasons, you can write about where a friend lives or about a place you have lived before or would like to. Even an imaginary place is fine. Recommended length is a few sentences to a few paragraphs.

If you are having any difficulty thinking of what or how to write it, feel free to check out my submission below for ideas. Remember this isn’t a contest, it’s more about each of us improving our respective writing abilities. If you don’t know much Kanji but still want to participate, it’s OK to use just Hiragana with some Katakana here and there if you know it. Beginners can even use Romaji, as long as you promise to learn Hiragana soon (:

Once you finish this writing assignment, please post it via one of the two following methods:

  1. For those who have a blog (WordPress or anywhere else is fine): post it on your blog, and post a comment on this article including a link to your post. I also suggest adding a link on your post back to this article, so people who find your post can follow it to read other people’s submissions.
  2. For those who don’t have a blog: simply post it as a comment to this article with the text you’ve written. [Note: creating a blog is pretty easy and free on many sites, so if you have a few minutes I’d just consider just trying to create a blog on somewhere like WordPress. Several people have already done this in order to participate in this program.]

If you are practicing writing in Japanese by hand, consider writing it first handwritten, and then typing it up when you are done (the reverse order is fine, too). If you want to show others, feel free to scan your hand-written text.

Also, I will be tagging every one of these assignments with the tag japanese writing lab. I’d recommend you do the same for your entries, so others can easily read through all them.

I’ll be reading all the entries received and commenting, and other users are welcome to do the same.

My submission





(Note: featured image from Pexels.com)

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2 thoughts on “Japanese Writing Lab #6: Where you live

    1. locksleyu Post author

      Sorry, the link was actually good but the page was set to private for some reason. I just fixed it, try again.

      Thanks for letting me know!


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