Hawaii Travelogue: A Japan away from Japan [Ch.19: Selected Photos]

By | July 10, 2017

This article is a part of series of articles about my 2017 trip to Hawaii. Please see the table of contents that contains links to other chapters.

Selected Photos

Unlike our last trip to Japan (which I blogged about in detail here), we didn’t bring any expensive cameras to Hawaii. But we ended up taking over 1000 spur-of-the-moment pictures with just our cell phones and a relatively cheap waterproof camera. This set of pictures represents a handful of some of my favorites.

I especially liked the shot we took from near the peak of Diamond Head Trail, where you can a diagonal line cutting across the frame, separating the dazzling shades of blue and the mountainside descending to the shore. If you look closely, you’ll see a tiny lighthouse in the rightmost center of the shot.


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