Japanese web novel translation: “Japan: A New Age” by Tasogarenin (黄昏人) [Chapter 5: Junpei Transfers]

By | December 19, 2016

This is the 5th chapter of a Japanese Science Fiction web novel about a genius boy who helps develop amazing technologies that change Japan’s society drastically, eventually resulting in the colonization of outer space.

You can find the original text for this chapter here.

You can see the table of contents for the translated chapters here which includes a synopsis.

If you want to see more chapters of this work translated, please consider voting for it on this survey where I ask what I should translate more of.

UPDATE: Uploaded a new version of the chapter which fixes the issue with spaces after apostrophes.

[pdf-embedder url=”http://selftaughtjapanese.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/JapanANewAgeCh5-Final4.doc” title=”Ch5″]japananewagechapter5-final


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4 thoughts on “Japanese web novel translation: “Japan: A New Age” by Tasogarenin (黄昏人) [Chapter 5: Junpei Transfers]

  1. locksleyu Post author

    Hey, thanks for this. Can I respond via email since I wanted to say a few things. You can email me at selftaughtjapanese (at) gmail.com, or give me your address

  2. Awesome Sauce

    Lmao 2chan, is that the novel world version of 4chan? If so, Junpei’s going on some mature websites~
    Thanks for the chapter! My bad for not commenting more, I just got back XP


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