I’ve created a vocabulary list of Japanese words related to airplanes and air travel in general. This is one area I’ve found I have some weaknesses in, and I thought if I was going to review these words myself I might has well write it up for others to learn from.
- 飛行機 (hikouki): airplane
- 空港 (kuukou): airport
- 便 (bin): flight
- 直行便 (chokkoubin): direct flight
- 乗り換え (norikae): transfer (flight) [also 乗り換える as a verb]
- 機内 (kinai): inside/onboard the plane
- 機内食 (kinaishoku): onboard meal/food
- 到着 (touchaku): arrive
- 出発 (shuppatsu): depart
- 搭乗 (toujou): to embark/board a plane (warning: do not confuse with 登場 which is used for characters of plays, books, etc.)
- 搭乗口 (toutou guchi): gate (to board a plane)
- 搭乗券 (toujouken): boarding pass
- 航空会社 (koukuu gaisha): airline company
- 航空券 (koukuuken): airplane ticket
- 手続き (tetsuzuki): process
- 荷物 (nimotsu): baggage, luggage
- 手荷物 (tenimotsu): baggage, luggage
- 持ち込む (mochikomu): to take something (onboard a plane, etc.)
- 離陸する (ririku suru): to take off
- 着陸 する(chakuriku suru): to land
- 検査 (kensa): examination (of luggage etc)
- 保安検査場 (hoan kensaba): security checkpoint
- 乗る (noru): to board/fly (an airplane, etc.)
- 国内 (kokunai): domestic (in the same country)
- 国内線 (kokunaisen): domestic route / airline
- 国外 (kokugai): international (going to another country)
- 国外線 (kokugaisen): international route / airline
- ターミナル (taaminaru): terminal
- 係員 (kakari`in): attendant (a person behind a counter at the airport, etc.)
- 案内 (an`nai): information/guide (ex: 案内図: guide map)
- 座席 (zaseki): seat (on an airplane, etc)
- 時刻 (jikoku): time (arrival time, etc.)
- チェックイン (chekkuin): check in [also 登場手続き (toujou tezutsuki)]
- 預ける (azukeru): to leave/entrust something with someone (ex: leave luggage with someone at an airline counter)
- 入国 (nyuukoku): entering a country
- 出国 (shukkoku): leaving a counry
- 審査 (shinsa): examination (like when entering a country)
- パスポート (pasupooto): passport [also 旅行券 (ryokouken)]
- 目的地 (mokutekichi): place where you are going (目的 = “objective”)
- 現在地 (genzaichi): place where you currently are
- 乗客 (joukyaku): passenger
- 旅客 (ryokaku): traveller, passenger (or a plane)
- 旅客機 (ryokakuki): passenger plane
- 運航 (unkou): aviation
- スチュワーデス: stewardess (female flight attendant)
- スチュワード: steward (male flight attendant)
- 客室乗務員 (kyakushitsu joumuin): flight attendant
- キャビンクルー: cabin crew [same as 客室乗務員]
- フライトアテンダント: flight attendant [same as 客室乗務員]
- 税関 (zeikan): customs
- 免税 (menzei): duty-free
- 免税店 (menzeiten): store that sells duty-free items
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How about airfare? Thank you
Can you clarify what you are asking for? Do you mean words in Japanese used for describing airfare (the cost of a plane ticket)?