Japanese web novel translation: “Japan: A New Age” by Tasogarenin (黄昏人) [Chapter 6: The Start of Development and Unforeseen Aftereffects]

By | January 3, 2017

This is the 6th chapter of a Japanese Science Fiction web novel about a genius boy who helps develop amazing technologies that change Japan’s society drastically, eventually resulting in the colonization of outer space.

You can find the original text for this chapter here.

You can see the table of contents for the translated chapters here which includes a synopsis.

I’d like to thank Nijima Melodiam for doing a quick look over of this chapter before I posted it in order to check for any mistakes I missed.

Note: If you want to see more chapters of this work translated, please consider voting for it on this survey where I ask what I should translate more of. Or you can use that survey to vote for something else for me to translate (including adding your own suggestion).

[pdf-embedder url=”http://selftaughtjapanese.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/JapanANewAgeCh6-Final.pdf” title=”Ch6b”]japananewagechapter6-finalb


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4 thoughts on “Japanese web novel translation: “Japan: A New Age” by Tasogarenin (黄昏人) [Chapter 6: The Start of Development and Unforeseen Aftereffects]

  1. JerryHatrick

    Probably shouldn’t complain about other sites posting if you’re making people download docs and pdfs to read the chapters…
    The 1st and 4th chapters were fine, perhaps you should see what you did differently.
    Thank you very much for the translations.

    1. locksleyu Post author

      I think you may be misunderstanding. The only reason I am publishing using DOC/PDF is because when I just used normal text (like Ch 1 and 4) the chapters entire text was stolen by another site which credited neither the original author nor me.

      I agree DOC/PDF isn’t ideal, but I don’t know any other way to prevent people copying my stuff.

      But this shouldn’t affect users too much because you shouldn’t have to download PDFs or DOCs. The plugin should simply be rendering the content on the page so you can scroll through it w/o downloading. Are you not seeing this?

      1. Nydestroyer

        On mobile it does not work. In order to read it I had to download the file, upload it to google docs and then convert it from a .doc file to a gdocs only file in order to even read it(because if I didn’t do it that was it was coming up as unreadable)

        1. locksleyu Post author

          Really sorry for the inconvenience. It’s hard to protect from stuff being stolen without accreditation and not inconveniencing users. I’ll see if there are some other options to solve this problem.


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