Travels in Japan 2015: Overview [series of articles]

By | September 8, 2015

My family and I had a great time on our 15-day vacation to Japan this August, and I really enjoyed writing so many posts about it.

Although it’s possible to get a page linking to a bunch of blog posts using keywords (like this), for ease of use I think an old-fashioned table of contents is still the most natural form for this.

  1.  It’s been a while
  2. Transportation
  3. Nikkou and Marukyuu
  4. Edo Wonderland and Toushouhuu shrine in Nikkou
  5. Game centers
  6. Integration of the roman alphabet and English into everyday Japanese life
  7. The paradise of electronic products that is Yodobashi Camera
  8. Massage parlors
  9. Taking your Japanese skills to the next level in Japan
  10. Soma horse festival and dressing up like a Samurai
  11. Make it as you like it with Japanese Okonomiyaki
  12. Cleanliness in Japan
  13. Narita View hotel with hot spring baths
  14. Mr. Numao, an amazing Taxi driver
  15. Video: The gentle charm of Japan’s rolling countryside
  16. Picture Album: The beauty of Japan

Thanks to everyone who read and liked these articles.

If you have any questions about any of the places on the trip feel free to ask via comments on this post or on the individual articles.

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5 thoughts on “Travels in Japan 2015: Overview [series of articles]

  1. Yassi


    I want to appreciate it to you that you liked my blog’s article “Travel to Kyoto”.
    You are the first reader of my blog, so I was really happy:)

    I’m interested your blog. You traveled a lot in Japan !
    You are not a Japanese?

    1. locksleyu Post author

      Thanks for the comment, I’m Glad to be the first reader/liker of your blog!

      I have alot of articles on my blog about me and Japanese study, over 300, so feel free to take your time reading them through (:

      I’m not Japanese but have been studying the language for over 15 years. Though I don’t consider myself completely fluent, I do speak it daily with my wife, and can read many things in Japanese, like novels (though at a slow pace).

      I am less knowledgable about cultural details, but if you ever have any questions about the language feel free to ask!


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