Japanese Basic Verb Conjugation Quiz 1

By | February 16, 2019

This quiz tests your knowledge of conjugation of verbs commonly taught in beginning Japanese.

The following tenses are emphasized:

  • Gerund form ("te" form)
  • Past form ("ta" form)
  • Plain form (dictionary form)
  • "masu" form
  • Non-past negative form ("nai" form)

Knowledge of the imperative tense and the "te + iru" tense is also needed.

In all questions, please choose the proper verb conjugation.

If there are unfamiliar characters in a question you may hover over the "Hint" link below that question to see romaji for the question revealed. This will also explain the meaning of the verb.

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What is the past form ("ta" form) of 食べる?
What is the non-past negative form ("nai" form) of 歩く
What is the plain form (root or dictionary form) of 走った
What is the gerund form ("te" form) of 勉強する?
What is the "masu" form of the verb 見る?
What is the non-past negative form ("nai" form) of 居る?
What is the plain form (dictionary form) of 頑張ってます。
What is the plain gerund form ("te" form) of 下さい?
What is the past form ("ta" form) of 泳ぐ
What is the gerund form ("te" form) of 行く?
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One thought on “Japanese Basic Verb Conjugation Quiz 1

  1. James Miles

    7 out of 10!

    I’m happy with that – I didn’t think too hard on each one and tried to draw on that “what have I read/heard…what SOUNDS right?” instinct and to be honest expected I’d do worse than 7 out of 10 with this technique hahaha, maybe I got lucky.

    Great quiz!


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