My Translations (Japanese->English)

This page lists various works I have translated from Japanese to English.

NEW: Japanese literature paperback release: “Fast Forward Japan”

Published translations:

Days & Nights: Stories of classic Japanese women’s literature

Tales of the Disturbed [Volume 1]

Two of Six: A Captain’s Dilemma

Classic Japanese Fairy Tales [Volume 5]: Mimei Ogawa: The Father of Modern Japanese Fairy Tales Kindle Edition

The below translations are official, meaning I have gotten the authors full permission to translate and list the translation on my blog: (the first three below are full translations)

Translations of classic works available on Aozora Bunko:

The below are all fiction works which I have done unofficial translations for and posted them on this blog.

(Note: All of the below are unofficial translations and I will not be able to provide the original Japanese text (though I own the books for all of them). I fully support these authors and recommend purchasing the original books if you are interested.)

The below translations are for non-fiction works.

If you have ideas or suggestions for things to translate please leave a comment on this post. If you would like me to translate more of any of the above works, please leave a comment on the respective post, and/or you can respond to this survey where I ask what I should focus my time on.

If you are interested in hiring me to translate anything, please contact me as selftaughtjapanese (at) Rate will depend on word count and content, and for some works I may be able to translate an initial portion for free as a sample.

If you liked any of my translations and what to see more, please consider purchasing one of my books to support me. Thank you!

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