Language on Track – A new tool to help with foreign language learning

One day in the middle of January, I woke up in the morning with an idea in my head for a new way to learn foreign languages. In the next month and a half, I spent many late nights and weekends working on a prototype for the site, which is after a period alpha testing is ready to be opened to the public for a full beta test.

For those who are interested, you can visit the below link where you can try out the site. Registration and all features are completely free with no strings attached.

You may have noticed I haven’t said a single thing about Japanese yet – a good portion of this site’s features will work with any language, though there is a handful of things that will only work with a limited subset of languages, and one particularly important feature that will only work with Japanese.

I’ll talk about some of the site’s features in more details in upcoming posts, but I will say that one of the most important features is related to personal goals for language learning.



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11 thoughts on “Language on Track – A new tool to help with foreign language learning

  1. Ashton

    I am extremely interested in this! I have been learning japanese for 20 days, and I would really like an improvement. If you would like, I can even review it on my blog, I dont get a ton of views, but people have shown a bit of interest.

    I just applied and I wish you good luck on the site 🙂

    (Also, I happen to be involved with web programming [Mostly backend], so if you need help, feel free to message me, and I might be able to assist you.)

    1. locksleyu Post author

      Glad to know you’re interested! Thanks for the offer to advertise on your blog, though LOT is still at an early stage. When I get to that point (which could be weeks or months) I’ll let you know.

      By the way the email address you submitted on the site and the one you sent in a separate comment is different. Please let me know which to use (:

      1. Ashton

        The one I put in the comment would be the one to send emails to. The one that I signed up with is my accounts-email. 🙂 However, I check both frequently, so either is cool.

  2. hopefullanguagelearner

    I can’t believe I missed this post! Just signed up for it now, looking forward to trying it out!

    :DDDD. Nothing more exciting then testing someones project out, and getting to learn some more Japanese. Heck yeah! Good luck with the site!

    1. locksleyu Post author

      Thanks for offering to help test! Hopefully we’ll start in the next week or so when I get some free time.

  3. zak

    LanguageOnTrackを使いたいけど、the registration process is broken! I tried signing up and it goes to a weird screen. then i try again with the same username and it says its taken. repeated that process and no luck. please fix it !!

  4. locksleyu Post author

    Thanks for pointing that out. I fixed it. Please try again.

  5. Bryan

    Hey I noticed you liked one of the posts on my blog and when I saw this post I freaked out. I feel like this post is going to make a big jump when I start to get into the groove with Japanese. Though for now, Hiragana is my main focus haha, I am having trouble remembering it.

    1. locksleyu Post author

      Sure, feel free to try out the system and let me know what you think.

      You might even be able to use it for learning Hiragana by setting daily goals.


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