Category Archives: General
Japanese women’s literature book release: “Days and Nights” by Hayashi Fumiko
Japanese particle combination: “made de” (までで)
I feel that grammar is the soul of a language, and in the case of Japanese, particles are one of the most important parts of grammar. In this post I’d like to go over the particle combination “made de” (までで), which may not be obvious the first time you spot it in the wild. I… Read More »
Japanese expression: “年は年だから” (toshi wa toshi dakara)
This time I’d like to go over the expression “年は年だから” (toshi wa toshi dakara), and some related topics. I chose this since this expression is a little tricky to understand, especially if you are thinking about it from an English point of view. First let’s look at a short, real-world dialogue using this: Person A:… Read More »
Self Taught Japanese: A look back at 2020 and what is to come in 2021
Japanese anime review: “Blame!” (ブラム)
The other day I was going through Netflix and having a tough time finding a series or movie that I could really get into. After some searching I discovered the anime movie “Blame!” (supposedly pronounced “Blam!”, though the Japanese title is ブラム), and after a few minutes I was hooked, finishing off a roughly two… Read More »
Book Release: Classic Japanese Fairy Tales, Volume 4 (Mimei Ogawa)
Japanese Book Review: 首里の馬 (“The Horse of Shuri”) by 高山 羽根子 (Takayama Haneko)
Happy Birthday to Juza Unno (and some inexpensive classic Japanese SF)
Juza Unno (海野十三), born Sano Shouichi (佐野 昌一), is a Japanese author from the early 20th century who used his real-world technical knowledge and experience to write a great number of science fiction works, including novels and short stories. This author holds a special place for me because not only were my first and last E-books… Read More »