Category Archives: General
50+ Introductory Phrases in Japanese
A surprising meaning of the Japanese word その(“sono”).
Japanese expression highlight: 「もっと早く知りたかった」 (“motto hayaku shiritakatta”)
In many ways Japanese grammar is simpler than English grammar, especially in terms of fewer tenses to deal with and the omission of unnecessary words. However, sometimes thinking in terms of English can make it difficult to understand seemingly simple Japanese sentences. In this post I’d like to talk about the expression 「もっと早く知りたかった」 (“motto hayaku… Read More »
The Translation Project of a Lifetime
For the most part, my translation career so far has been about translating Japanese fiction in written form to English (the exception being a few months of freelance translation at Gengo). But the other day I accepted a job that was in a very different form, providing new challenges that stretched my boundaries as a… Read More »
“Urusai” doesn’t always mean “Shut up!” –– Literal vs. interpretive meanings in Japanese
Japanese phrase: 〜ことから (~koto kara)
An eclectic interview with Edward Lipsett of Kurodahan Press, publisher of Japanese literature
I posed a series of questions to Edward Lipsett, one of the founders of Kurodahan Press, a publisher that focuses on new translations of Japanese literature as well as reprints of classic texts. We touched on a variety of topics, including learning Japanese, Japan’s culture, translation checking, and the daily activities of a publisher, so I think there’s a little something for everyone.
Japanese Literature Release: “The Masquerade Ball” by Edogawa Rampo (Bilingual Edition)
Japanese Writing Lab #7: A fun event or trip
Having trouble finding opportunities to practice writing in Japanese? In this post I wrote in Japanese about a fun experience I had. I ask you to try doing the same, and in exchange I’ll give my feedback on your writing. Japanese learners of any level are invited, and there is no length requirements on the result.