Category Archives: culture
Japanese women’s literature book release: “Days and Nights” by Hayashi Fumiko
Japanese literature review: 人間 (“Ningen”) by 又吉直樹 (Matayoshi Naoki)
Japanese fairy tale translation: “The Soul Lives On” (by Mimei Ogawa)
Japanese drama review: “Million Yen Women” (100万円の女たち)
Ever since I got a membership to Netflix as part a promotional deal, I’ve been watching little bits of anime and life-action series on there. For the most part, even if I find something that is good in the beginning, it’s never compelling enough for me to make it through the end (and this includes… Read More »
The right and wrong way to use the verb あげる (ageru) in Japanese
The nuances of expressing politeness is one of the most difficult parts of mastering the Japanese language, especially if your native language doesn’t have a strong concept of politeness levels (in my opinion, English does not). One of the things I always talk about when asked about politeness is the verb trio “kureru”, “morau”, and… Read More »
Japanese book review: 「書道」の教科書 (Calligraphy Textbook) by 横山豊蘭 (Houran Yokoyama)
A few weeks ago I began learning the art of Japanese calligraphy, which is called “shodou” (書道). I posted a lengthy article here on some of the things I discovered, and included some hints for those interested in learning shodou. Right around the time I finished that article, a book arrived that I had purchased,「書道」の教科書… Read More »
The world of Japanese calligraphy: my first few weeks learning 書道 (shodou)
Multiple Meanings of “Maru” in Japanese (円、丸)
It’s not uncommon for one word in a language to have multiple meanings, but for non-native learners it can be challenge to figure out all the meanings from context. Japanese is no exception, although intonation (depending on region) and kanji selection can help to differentiate meanings in some cases. In this post I want to… Read More »
Japanese vocabulary list: Calligraphy terms
The characters used in the Japanese language––comprised of hiragana, katakana, and kanji––use a large variety of shapes and strokes, and in my opinion are very visually pleasing. Calligraphy, a traditional art that is still popular in Japan today, takes these same characters and elevates them to a true art form that can often be seen… Read More »