Anime highlight: Orb: On the Movements of the Earth (チ。―地球の運動について)

By | October 10, 2024

I’ve been feeling a bit burned out on Netflix; historically the number of shows where I’m motivated to watch the 2nd episode has been pretty low, but in the last few months it feels even worse than usual.

However, I was pleasantly surprised when I happened upon the new Netflix series “Orb: On the Movements of the Earth” (Japanese title “チ。―地球の運動について”).

This series is set several centuries ago when the theory of geocentrism (basically where the entire solar system revolves around the Earth) was popular, and focuses on characters doing secret research about heliocentrism, where the Earth itself moves instead of being the center of the universe. By the way, in Japanese these are called 天童説 (tendousetsu) and 地動説 (chidousetsu).

Even though in this day and age I think this debate is mostly academically settled, I found the idea of having a story about it really compelling, especially since it focused on not just the scientific details, but also how the concept of heliocentrism actually makes the universe that much more beautiful, which in a way lends itself towards the existence of God.

The series only has two episodes out (and a new one is dropping soon), but I highly recommend giving it a watch. I’m a bit concerned lately since I’ve seen a few good series cancelled, so I am hoping enough people can discover this to keep the ratings high enough to finish it out.

If you watch it, let me know what you think.

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