Announcing *Japanesque*: a new podcast about all things Japanese

By | April 9, 2024

Earlier in the year I dabbled in a podcast about Japanese grammar, with the aim of teaching grammar for beginners while giving a set of examples. While I think that has gone reasonably well, I realized that I still have a great many set of (non-grammar) topics I would like to talk about related to Japan. Furthermore, lately with work and other hobbies I’ve spent so much time in front of a monitor and keyboard, so I wanted to create more opportunities to talk about Japan and Japanese in a way that doesn’t require reading from a screen.

With all the above in mind, it didn’t take long for me to realize I should create a new podcast that is focused on things related to Japan. I’ve chosen to call it “Japanesque: Musings on all things Japanese”, and I’ve already got two episodes finished and available to listen to. The first is an introduction about my passion for Japan and my general plans for the podcast, and the second is a list of things I feel are great about Japan, based on my trips to Japan over time. (The third episode is in production and I expect it will be done in a few days.)

Next I plan on making episodes about some rare experiences in had in a recent trip to Japan related to Aikido and Calligraphy, and these two are topics that I expect to talk about more in the podcast. In general though I plan on talking about Japanese language and culture, probably about translation, and maybe even (once in a while) some off-topic things like software development and AI. Even for topics that are not directly related to Japan, I’ll try to fit in some stuff like related vocabulary words in Japanese. The one thing that I don’t expect to get too deep on is Japanese grammar, which I plan to reserve for this blog, and also for my grammar-related podcast.

I have submitted the podcast to a bunch of places, but I recommend using Spotify: You can also find it on Podchaser here.

If you want me to publish the podcast to any other types of feeds or platforms, please let me know. Also, while I have a bunch of topics already planned, I’m always open to topics from my listeners/readers to help create engaging content.

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