Introducing Arigatai Goods: putting appreciation first

By | March 29, 2023

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Until now our small, independent publisher Arigatai Books has focused only on books (primarily Japanese literature with a few books about learning Japanese), but R.J. and I decided to create some everyday goods themed around “Arigatai”––the concept of appreciating things in life which is important to many people in Japan (and around the world). These all contain images that are custom designed by her.

We are currently offering a handful of products including:

  • T-shirts
  • Tags
  • Stickers
  • Greeting cards
  • Badges
  • Thermal tumblers
  • Balloons
  • Binders

These products are embellished with one of the following:

  • A colorful logo based on sacred geometry, some with the word “Arigatai”.
  • A cute picture of two traditional Ojizo-sama figures and the word “尊い” (meaning “precious”)

In the future we may add items themed around Arigatai Books, Japanese literature, and Self Taught Japanese, but if you have any ideas please let us know!

You can find the items on Zazzle here. These are a great way to help support Arigatai Books and Self Taught Japanese, not to mention a good way to help set yourself apart from the crowd!

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