Besides things like culture and media, one of the major reasons for wanting to learn a foreign language is a desire to live in a country that speaks that language, and to live somewhere the majority of us must also work there to be able to survive. So I’ve decided to make a vocabulary list about job and employment-related works in Japanese, focusing on things like obtaining and losing employment.
- 働く (hataraku): to work
- 仕事 (shigoto): work, job
- 就職 (shuushoku): the act of getting a new job
- 就職活動 (shuushoku katsudou): searching for a new job
- 就活 (shuukatsu): short form of “shuushoku katsudou”
- 仕事探し (shigoto sagashi): searching for a job
- 転職 (tenshoku): changing jobs (generally to another company)
- 異動 (idou): move to a different place (often referring to personnel changing positions within a company)
- 無職 (mushoku): unemployed (often used to talk about a person’s state)
- 失業 (shitsugyou): unemployment (often used to talk in general, like a country’s unemployment rate: 失業率)
- 内定 (naitei): a job offer (literally means “an internal decision”)
- オファー (ofaa): a job offer
- 辞退する (jitai suru): to decline, reject (an offer, etc.)
- 承諾する (shoudaku suru): to consent, to accept, to give permission
- 派遣 (haken): contract (work)
- 正社員 (seishain): permanent employee (the opposite of a contract employee)
- 会社 (kaisha): company
- 企業 (kigyou): enterprise, company (larger nuance than “kaisha”)
- 面接 (mensetsu): interview (also インタビュー)
- 選考 (senkou): screening (for a candiate, etc.)
- 職業 (shokugyou): occupation, career, industry
- 流れ (nagare): literally “flow”, but often is used to describe the process of something like an interview
- キャリア (kyaria): career (sounds closer to English “carier”)
- 職種 (shokushu): type of job
- 肩書き (katagaki): title or position in a company
- 部署 (busho): role or position at a company
- 経験 (keiken): experience
- 経験者 (keikensha): someone with experience in a certain field
- 年収 (nenshuu): yearly salary
- 月給 (gekkyuu): monthly wage
- 日給 (nikkyuu): daily wage
- 給与 (kyuuyo): wages, pay
- 収入 (shuunyuu): income
- リストラ (risutora): restructuring, downsizing (basically layoffs)
- 首にする (kubi ni suru): to fire someone (from a job)
- 解雇する (kaiko suru): to fire someone
- 採用する (saiyou suru): to employ someone
- 不採用 (fusaiyou): not hired (i.e. failing an interview)
- 上司 (joushi): boss, superior
- 部下 (buka): subordinate
- 同僚 (douryou): coworker, colleague
- 会議 (kaigi): meeting
- 残業 (zangyou): overtime work
- 求人 (kyuujin): job opening
- バイト (baito): part-time job
- フルタイム (furutaimu): full-time (job)
- 契約書 (keiyakusho): contract document (paper or digital)
- 業務委託 (gyoumu intaku): outsourcing
- 在宅勤務 (zaitaku kinmu): remote work (work from home)
- テレワーク (terewaaku): remote work
- 従業員 (juugyouin): employee
- 社員 (shain): employee
- 入社(nyuusha): joining a company
- 退社 (taisha): leaving a company (can mean to quit, or to just leave the office building)
- 定着率 (teichakuritsu): rate of employees staying at a company after a certain period of time (retention rate)
- 離職 (rishoku): leaving a company
- 待遇 (taiguu): treatment or pay (at a company)
- 条件 (jouken): condition (for a job search, etc.)
- 需要 (juyou): need (of a product, or of talent, etc.)
- 人材 (jinzai): skilled worker(s), talent
- 新卒 (shinsotsu): a new graduate (from college)
- 手続き (tetsuduki): process
- 応募 (oubo): to apply (to a company, a contest, etc.)
- 応募者 (oubosha): applicant (to a job, etc.)
- 面接官 (mensetsukan): interviewer (person leading the interview)
- 急募 (kyuubo): urgent need (for workers)
- 人事部 (jinjibu): human relations department (HR)
- 障がい者 (shougaisha): a person with one or more disabilities
- 概要 (gaiyou): summary (of skills, of a company’s goals, etc.)
- 担当者 (tantousha): the person in charge of a certain department (like hiring, etc.)
- 志望(shibou): wish, desire (often used to describe the reason someone wants to join a school or company)
- 志望度 (shiboudo): the degree of one’s desire (for a company, position, etc.)
- 履歴書 (rirekisho): resume
- 歴史 (rekishi): history (general term)
- 活躍する (katsuyaku suru): to participate or play a part in something such as a company
- 実績 (jisseki): achievement(s) (literally, “actual result”)
- 長所 (chousha): a strong point (of a candidate, etc.)
- 短所 (tansho): a weak point
- スキル (sukiru): skill(s)
- 深掘りする (fukabori suru): to dig deeply (often used metaphorically, as to learn more about one’s experience)
Here is a good page to practice some of these words:
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