Juza Unno SF story available in audio narration form on Historyradio.org radio program

By | October 9, 2019

The other day I wrote a post about how one of the science fiction stories I translated was published on a site that deals with various historically-relevant pieces of literature and other historical information. But it turns out that the main focus of that website is actually a radio station which streams historically relevant content 24-hours a day.

I’m happy to announce that my translation of said story (“Mysterious Spacial Rift” by classic Japanese SF author Juza Unno) has been made into an audio narration and is now being played periodically on Historyradio.org.

Because the station plays a rotating list of songs and other content it’s difficult to give you an exact time when you can listen to it. However, I was told that you can hear it during the Friday SciFi playlist that begins at midnight European time (6pm on Thursday in Pacific Time) and continues for 24 hours. The playlist is still in the process of being formed, but at present there are some classic SF authors like H.G. Wells and Jules Verne, plus some newer content related to Star Trek and Star War, and even some documentaries featuring interviews with Bradbury and Asimov.

If you want to try and catch “Mysterious Spacial Rift”, or just want to check out some classic SF, I highly recommending listening to this program. You can see details about the various ways to listen to the station here (including iTunes and mobile apps).

As a small token of thanks to Michael, the creator of Historyradio.org, for the time being I have decided to allow exclusive permission of his station for the audio narration version of said story. I would also like to give special thanks to John Carrick, an experienced audiobook narrator who did a wonderful job narrating this story. You can find his LinkedIn page here.

Having a story that I translated published in any form is always nice, but there’s a special type of satisfaction involved in seeing one of my stories published like this as a different type of media. Listening to the story in audio form in English gave me a fresh, new perspective on this work.

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