Highlighted review of “Classic Japanese Fairy Tales”

By | July 1, 2018

As part of the simple marketing effort for my latest book, “Classic Japanese Fairy Tales”, I have been searching out people on Goodreads to see if they are interested in reading the book and writing a review. While I don’t want to spend a huge amount of time marketing (frankly, I enjoy translation a great deal more), I think a little might lead to some feedback that will help me grow in various areas.

The first review posted on Goodreads was from someone named Paul, and fortunately he seemed to really like the book and gave a positive review of it. You can read it here in full, but I’ll excerpt a portion here:


This collection is quite good. It is a short book that can be read at one sitting. So there is really no excuse for anyone interested in fairy tales, Japanese literature, or Japanese culture not to read it. 

…What he [Ogawa] does, here, that I find elevates these stories to true art is he has a knack for finding completely new perspectives and visions of the commonplace in life. 


Of course I can’t take much credit for these stories myself since I only translated them, but I was happy my translations enabled allow another person to appreciate these works by Mimei Ogawa. Furthermore, since I am playing the role of book agent and publisher for this project, it was a nice (albeit small) victory.

If you want to read more about the book you can see the release post here, or the making of post here.

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