Japanese Vocabulary List: Card and board games

By | June 22, 2018

This list is about words related to board (Catan, etc.) or card games (poker, etc.). I hope you find  these useful!

If you are interested in Chess specifically, I have a vocabulary list for that here.

  • ルール (ruuru): rule / rules
  • 解説 (kaisetsu): explanation
  • 初心者 (shoshinsha): beginner
  • ボードゲーム (boodo geemu): board game
  • 遊ぶ (asobu): to play
  • プレイする (purei suru): to play (similiar to the above)
  • サイコロ (saikoro): die / dice    (also ダイス)
  • 振る (furu): to toss (a die)
  • 振りなおす (furinaosu): to re-roll (a die or dice)
  • 目 (me): literally ‘eye’, but often used to refer to a face of a die
  • ぞろ目 (zorome): getting two dice with the same face (doubles)
  • 勝利する: (shouri suru): to win (or without “suru” as a noun)
  • 勝ち (kachi): win
  • 負け (make): loss
  • 資源 (shigen): resource
  • 交渉する (koushou suru): to negotiate
  • マップ (mappu): map
  • 拡張セット (kakuchou setto): expansion set
  • 〜点 (~ ten): counter for points (ex: 10点=10 points)
  • ポイント (point): point / points  (can also mean an important point in a discussion)
  • 競争 (kyousou): competition
  • 対戦 (taisen): battle, competition
  • 相手 (aite): one of the other players (opponent)
  • プレーヤー (pureeyaa): player (also プレイヤー)
  • 開始 (kaishi): begin, start   (開始プレーヤー = beginning player)
  • 終了 (shuuryou): end (of game, etc.)
  • カード (kaado): card
  • デッキ (dekki): deck (of cards, etc.)
  • コマ (koma): piece (like a chess piece)
  • 盤 (ban): board (often used as a suffix, i.e. ゲーム盤)
  • 初期配置 (shoki haichi): initial placement
  • 置く (oku): to place (a card, etc.)
  • 購入する (kounyuu suru): to purchase (a game item, etc.)
  • トランプ (toranpu): can refer to a single card or cards in general, especially typical playing cards
  • 裏側にする (uragawa ni suru): put face down
  • 裏向き (uramuki): face down
  • 表向き (omotemuki: face up
  • 配る (kubaru): to deal
  • 手札 (tefuda): cards in hand
  • 加える (kuwaeru): to add (cards to your hand, etc.)
  • 引く (hiku): to draw (one or more cards)
  • 引かせる (hikaseru): to make another player draw (one or more cards)
  • 場に出す (ba ni dasu): to put in play (also in MtG, 戦場に出す, “to put into the battlefield”)
  • 束 (taba): bundle/pack/deck (of cards)
  • 〜枚 (~mai): counter for number of cards or other flat things (10枚=10 cards)
  • 切る (kiru): literally “to cut”, but often used in card games to mean “shuffle”
  • シャッフルする (shaffuru suru): to shuffle (a deck of cards, etc.)
  • 各自〜 (kakuji ~): each (player, etc.)
  • 重ねる (kasaneru): to pile up (cards, etc.)
  • 繰り返す(kurikaesu): to repeat (some action)
  • 行動 (koudou): [an] action
  • 数字 (suuji): number (like a ‘7’ on a card)
  • 捨てる (suteru): to get rid of (a card)
  • 外す (hazusu): to remove (a card from your hand)
  • 時計回り (tokei mawari): clockwise
  • ペア (pea): pair (of cards, etc.)
  • チップ (chippu): chip(s) (poker chips, etc.)
  • 強い (tsuyoi): strong[er] (for example, an “10” card is stronger than a “9”)
  • 番 (ban): turn (僕の番 = my turn)   (also 手番 (teban))
  • ターン (taan): turn (same as above)
  • 揃う(sorou): to complete a set of something (two of the same card, etc.)
  • 墓地 (bochi): graveyard (in MtG)
  • 効果 (kouka): effect (or a card, etc.)
  • カウンター (kauntaa): counter (poison counter, etc.)
  • 先攻 (senkou): going first (in a card game, etc.)¥

If you want to see how Magic: the Gathering is described in Japanese, you can see the official rules in Japanese here. Or see this page which has a simplified set of rules that are easier to follow.

You can see a list of all my vocabulary lists here.


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