Two days left for submissions to “Promising Translators 2018”

By | April 7, 2018

A few weeks ago I announced “Promising Translators 2018”, Self Taught Japanese’s first ever translation contest, a Japanese to English fiction translation contest targeting amateur translators. The winner will receive a monetary prize, and there be other prizes given as well.

This post is a reminder for those who are interested since there is only a little over two days left before the deadline (end of the day on April 9, PDT). Because the submission length is only 2-5 pages, you still have time to start searching for something to translate as well as for the translation itself.  I haven’t received too many entries yet, so your chances of winning are pretty good at this point.

Please see this post for more information about the contest. There is no entry fee, so I suggest everyone to participate, even those with minimal translation experience. I am considering giving a small gift to all who enter (assuming they meet the eligibility requires mentioned here), but haven’t finalized that yet.

While I am asking that you have permission from the rights owner of the original work (publisher/author), works that are clearly public domain are allowed without any form of permission (Aozora bunko, etc.). Also, I will accept submissions for entries were permission is pending, however if I am not notified they have received permission within one week of the submission deadline (April 16) they will be disqualified, and not eligible for any prizes.

Looking forward to reading everyone’s translations!

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