Translation Project Update 1

By | November 16, 2017

A few weeks ago I announced that I was working on a new translation project which is targeting to actually publish something in (at minimum) E-book form.

Since then, I’ve made great progress and managed to get rough translations for four stories done and edit them 2-3 times each to start cleaning things up. The stories range from around 2000 words to 6000+ words. I’ve also added over 20 translation notes in total which will be published along with the stories. I am also considering writing a detailed bio section about the author and his works.

I’ve found audio versions of a few of the author’s works online, and used those as a tool to help me select stories and more deeply understand certain parts of the text.

I was really happy to get such a great response from my original announcement, with several people asking to help me out in some way or another. I haven’t yet shared the stories with anyone for proofreading since I want to get things as good as I can first, although that may mean another few iterations on each of these works.

I’m eager to start translating a 5th story, but before then I want to get the stories perfect so they are ready to be published, and then I can start working on book design. I found there are some really great sites out there for E-book distribution, with no upfront costs, like Draft2Digital. From the beginning, I wasn’t expecting to put out a full-length book, and fortunately because of the cost efficiency of E books I can make a shorter book without much trouble.


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