Self Taught Japanese Podcast: 8 recordings in 8 days

By | November 21, 2016

A little over a week ago, I decided to start a companion Podcast for this blog, covering many of the same topics: studying Japanese on your own, anime reviews, etc.

I managed to record eight episodes in eight days, though it was a bit challenge since recording plus editing took roughly between 45 minutes and 2 hours. I think just in this span of time my skills in this area have improved a little, and I am looking forward to making even more podcasts on a variety of topics.

I found a WordPress plugin so I can host the podcast on this same blog, with a standalone RSS feed for it. Using this, I was able to get listed on iTunes and Google Play.

While I was able to configure the podcasts to show up along with the other blog posts on my main page, I don’t think they are showing up in the WordPress reader for those who have subscribed (if I am wrong, let me know).

I haven’t got too many hits yet on these, which is probably because of the above, and because it’s harder to find them via a search engine (the articles themselves are very short compared to my blog articles which typically are much longer). I think I still have a great deal to learn about how to get more listeners. If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know.

Though I plan to recode more episodes in the near future, I think I’ll be dialing down the pace a little (hard to maintain one a day forever…). Also I want to put in a little more time on one of my recent translation projects.

Anyway, if you are interested please take a listen, and let me know what you think.

You can see the list of episodes here.


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