Meetup this Saturday at Kale for The Portland Japanese Language Exchange (ポートランド日本語交換会)

By | June 21, 2016

When we lived in Florida, I had attended a Meetup for those studying Japanese. While it was fun, I wasn’t motivated enough to go back a second time. However, having recently moved to Meetup now I have the opportunity of attending Portland’s own version of that, which seems somewhat active with over 200 people registered.

Their next event is this Saturday at 6pm at Kalé restaurant in Portland, and there is already 8 people signed up to attend. “Kalé” is actually creative spelling for “カレー”, which I didn’t figure out until I visited their web page. I’m really excited to talk about Japan, Japanese study, and hopefully actually speak some Japanese at this event. It will also be interesting to see the different mix of people with various reasons for studying Japanese, as well as various skill levels. It looks like this group also includes Japanese people who want to improve their English ability, which will make things even more interesting!

I’d guess most of the people who read my blog are probably in some other part of the world, but if you happen to be in or near Portland consider joining us. If you plan to attend, make sure you join this group first and then indicate you are planning on going.

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