Japanese cool band: Fox Capture Plan

By | May 9, 2016

Recently the same friend who had introduced me to the great Japanese band Jizue (review) told be about another entertaining Japanese group: Fox Capture Plan.

This is an instrumental band with three members (Ryo Kishimoto – Piano, Hidehiro Kawai – Base,  Tsukasa Inoue – Drums). They bill themselves as “Modern Jazz Rock” (現代版ジャズロック), but much of it sounds closer to Jazz to me: a fast, funky, frenetic mix of these three instruments. The rhythmical, repetitive nature of their music also gives it a similarity to Techno. The have put out 4 albums in the last 3 years, which is a pretty fast pace, though their last album COVERMIND is a cover album. Their songs are also published a few other places like compilation albums.

They have a few music videos available to view on YouTube you can check out. One of my favorite songs of theirs is Butterfly Effect, which is really helped by a string ensemble to compliment the trio’s usual instruments.

If you are looking for a good pick-me-up, or just to see what kinds of unique music Japanese musicians are putting out these days, I highly recommend you check them out. They do have some similarity to Jizue, at least rhythmically, but the lack of a vocalist is a big enough change to move them to another genre. Their style is different enough from Jazz, Rock, and Techno to put them in a category of their own.

There Japanese Wikipedia page is here: https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fox_capture_plan

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2 thoughts on “Japanese cool band: Fox Capture Plan

  1. Daniel

    Isn’t “現代版ジャズロック” Modern Jazz Rock instead of Modern Japanese Rock?

    1. locksleyu Post author

      Thanks for the correction. You are right, and I’ve updated the article to reflect that.


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