Today I’m going to provide a vocabulary list for a topic that I discuss on a daily basis on Japanese: child upbringing. I’ll be focusing on words that are useful for babies through toddlers (roughly ages 0-4), but some of the terms can be used for any age.
- 子育て (kosodate): child upbringing
- 育てる (sodateru): to raise (a child, plant, etc.) [transitive]
- 育つ (sodatsu): to grow up (a child, plant, etc.) [intransitive]
- 面倒を見る (mendou wo miru): to watch or take care of (a child, etc.)
- すくすく (suku suku): growing up healthy (ex: すくすく育ってる)
- のびのび (nobi nobi): similar meaning to “suku suku”
- 成長する (seichou suru): to grow (mentally, physically, etc.)
- イヤイヤ期 (iya iya ki): a period where children want to rebel and don’t listen to what their parents say (often used for 2-3 year olds)
- 魔の2歳 (ma no ni sai): a period where children are very hard to deal with, similar to “iya iya ki”
- ~児 (~ji): suffix for children (i.e.: 2歳児 = “2 year old child”)
- 反抗期 (hankouki): rebellious age (usually used for older kids, like teenagers)
- 反抗する(hankou suru): to rebel, resist
- お漏らし (omorashi): bed wetting
- おむつ (omutsu): diaper
- おむつ がぱんぱん(omutsu ga pan pan): diaper is full (=dirty)
- おしゃぶり (oshaburi): pacifier [not to be confused with “oshaberi”)
- 言うことをきく (iu koto wo kiku): to listen/follow what is said
- あばれる (abareru): to go crazy (jump around, etc.)
- 野放し (nobanashi): the practice of letting a child by her/himself without interfering too much
- 叱る (shikaru): to scold, or reprimand
- 怒鳴る (donaru): to yell
- 読み聞かせする (yomikikase suru): to read a book out loud (to a child)
- 絵本 (ehon): picture book
- おもちゃ (omocha): toy
- 寝かしつける (nekashitsukeru): to put a child to bed
- 寝かす (nekasu): similar to “nekashitsukeru”.
- いやがる (iyagaru): to act/look like you dislike something
- 喜ぶ (yorokobu): to enjoy or appreciate something
- 乱暴する (ranbou suru): to act violently
- 優しくする (yasashiku suru): to be nice to something or someone
- 仲良くする (nakayoku suru): to be get along with friends
- 公園 (kouen): (nature) park (usually has swings and a slide, etc.)
- うんち・うんこ (unchi / unko): poo
- おしっこ (oshikko): pee
- 抱っこする (dakko suru): to hug
- シュウシュウする: (shuu shuu suru): to make a shushing sound (i.e. to try and quiet a baby)
- ぐっすり眠る (gussuri nemuru): to sleep soundly
- おんぶ (onbu): carrying someone (usually a child) on your back, with their arms around your neck or shoulders
- 肩車 (kataguruma): carrying someone on your shoulders, with their legs around your neck
- はいはいする (haihai suru): crawl on all fours
- 四つん這いする (yotsunbai suru): similar to “haihai suru”
- 友達 (tomodachi): “friend”, but can also be used to refer to young people whom you don’t know or haven’t met before
- 拗ねる(suneru): to pout
- ぐずる (guzuru): to fret or complain about something
- 歯ぐずり (haguzuri): teething (complaining due to pain and itching as a result of baby teeth coming in)
- 首がすわる (kubi ga suwaru): refers to the act or stage of development when a baby can support his or her own neck and move it freely (literally: “The neck sits”).
- 遊ぶ (asobu): to play
- 喋る (shaberu): to talk
- 泣き止む (nakiyamu): to stop crying
- ひゃっくり (hakkuri): hickups
- げっぷ (geppu): burp
- 食べさせる (tabesaseru): to feed (a baby, etc.)
- 歯を磨かせる (ha wo migakaseru): to brush someone’s teeth
- 母乳 (bo’nyuu): breast milk
- 授乳 (ju’nyuu): breast feed
- 卒乳 (sotsunyuu): to stop breast feeding (permanently)
- おむつはずれ (omutsuhazure): to stop using diapers (permanently)
- 予防接種 (yobou sesshu): vaccine
- 昼寝 (hirune): nap
- お熱 (onetsu): fever (can be used without the “お”)
- 体温計 (taionkei): thermometer
- 風邪をひく(kaze wo hiku): to catch a cold
- 薬 (kusuri): medicine
- 〜ごっこ (~gokko): pretend play (ex: お医者さんごっこ = “play doctor”)
- 割礼(katsurei): circumcision
“Baby talk” words (not recommended to use use but just for reference)
- あんよ (anyo): the leg or the act of walking
- ねんねする (nen’ne suru): to sleep
- めめ (me me): eye(s)
- てて(te te): hand(s)
- イタイイタイする (itai itai suru): to hurt or get hurt
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Fantastic list! Thank you.
Thank you veru much ! very useful list 🙂