This time I’m going to give a vocabulary list which you aren’t likely to see in any textbook – words related to drinking alcohol.
Whether you are into drinking personally or not, it’s hard to deny it’s a major part of modern Japanese culture, so it’s probably a good idea to know these.
- お酒 (osake) – Alcohol [The ‘o’ is optional]
- アルコール (arukooru) – Alcohol (less common usage than “osake”)
- 水割り (mizuwari) – to mix alcohol with water
- 日本酒 (nihonshu) – Japanese alcohol (wine) made from rice (what we usually call “sake” in the states)
- ~酒 (~shu) – ending for many words that have to do with alcohol (i.e. 梅酒, umeshu – alcohol made from plums)
- ワイン (wain) – wine
- 飲む(nomu) – to drink (verb)
- 飲み過ぎ (nomisugi) – drinking too much (this is noun form, verb form is 飲みすぎる)
- 飲み放題 (nomihoudai) – all you can drink (like at a restaurant)
- 飲み干す (homihosu) – “to drink dry”, to drink something completely
- 飲み直す (nominaosu) – to drink again (may be a different place then you are at currently)
- 酔う(you) – to get drunk, intoxicated (can be also used for things besides alcohol, like motion sickness)
- 酔わせる (yowaseru) – to get someone drunk
- 酔っ払う (yopparau) – to get drunk, intoxicated
- 酔っ払い (yopparai) – a drunk person
- のんべえ (nonbee) – a drunk person
- 泥酔する (deisui suru) – to get totally drunk
- べろべろ (berobero) – licking sound, can be used before the above verbs (酔っ払う, etc.) to emphasize being drunk
- 素面 (shirafu) – sober
- 酔いが覚める (yoi ga sameru) – to sober up
- 気持ちいい (kimochi ii) – feeling good, can refer to feeling of being drunk
- 気持ち悪い (kimochi warui) – feeling bad, can refer to feeling sick from over-drinking
- 吐き気がする (hakike ga suru) – nauseous
- ゲロを吐く(gero wo haku) – puke, throw up
- ほろ酔い (horo yoi) – slightly buzzed, intoxicated
- 飲み会 (nomikai) – drinking party
- 注ぐ (tsugu) – to pour
- 杯(sakazuki) – classic-style sake cup, short and wide
- 乾杯 (kanpai) – a toast before a meal, “cheers”
- ジョッキ (jokki) – beer mug
- コップ(koppu) – glass (for alcohol, water, or anything else)
- 酒場 (sakaba) – bar
- 酒屋 (sakaya) – store that sells alcohol
- お酒に強い「弱い」 (osake ni tsuyoi [yowai]) having a high [low] tolerance for alcohol
- ~杯 (~hai) counter for drinks (1杯 [ippai]、2杯 [nihai], etc.)
- お酒が苦手 (osake ga nigate) – express to mean alcohol doesn’t go well with that person, and may mean they don’t drink
- お酒が飲めない (osake ga nomenai) – (I) can’t drink alcohol
- こぼす (kobosu) – to spill [not necessarily related to alcohol]
- 二日酔い (futsukayoi) – hangover
- 飲酒運転 (inshu unten) – drunk driving
- がぶ飲み (gabunomi) – chug, drink alcohol quickly
- すする (susuru) – to slurp
- 記憶喪失 (kioku soushitsu) – memory loss, can be from over drinking or something else
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