Self Taught Japanese now on twitter!

By | October 7, 2015

I have been thinking about it for some time now, but I finally decided to create a twitter account (@selftaughtjapan) to go along with this blog. I wanted to use @selftaughtjapanese but that name was too many characters long ):

To be honest, I haven’t really used twitter much, especially in terms of writing tweets, so this will be a new experience for me.

I plan to post links to new articles I’ve written on twitter, though I am not sure if I will make that automated or manual yet. Also, I am considering adding some extra content that is not present on the blog itself, like brief comments about useful words or tidbits about Japanese.

Please consider following my account via this button: [follow_me]

There is also a button on the right side bar that you can use as well.


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