Need something translated from Japanese to English?

By | September 19, 2015

In the process of writing this blog, one thing I’ve discovered is that I enjoy the challenge of translating from Japanese to English.

To that end, I’ve decided to put out a call for translation requests. I’m open to translating anything including portions of Manga, TV dramas, movies, novels, or newspapers. The only requirement is that you can provide the source material to me. For text, something that I can cut and paste is best, but photographs are fine as long as they are clear enough to see the details of all characters.

For now let’s keep things short, to only a few paragraphs of text, pages of Manga, or a minute or so of audio.

Although I don’t have any professional credentials, I’ve been doing this long to enough so I can do at least a decent job on simple translation, although if it is a domain I am not too familiar with (for example, medical literature) I might have some difficulty translating it properly.

I prefer Japanese to English, but if you really need something in English translated to Japanese I am open to making the attempt, though I cannot guarantee 100% natural Japanese in this cases.

If you are interested please feel free to respond to this page, or you can email me directly at selftaughtjapanese (at) For the purpose of spam protection I’ve added an extra ‘m’ to the second part of the address (gmmail), please remove that before sending.

Based on my free time, I’ll tackle requests I receive in a first come, first serve, basis, and will post the results on my blog so others can learn from the translations.

While there are many automated translation services available that can do this type of work, I’ll do my best to have the results in natural, clear English which is something computers aren’t quite able to achieve yet.

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4 thoughts on “Need something translated from Japanese to English?

  1. Charles

    I’ve got what I hope is an easy question. From a version of カチカチ山 that I have:
    My question is about the そうな at the end (reading your post about さ kind of reminded me of this)…what is this addition supposed to add to the sentence?

    1. locksleyu Post author

      Generally, the use of そう after a past tense verb indicates some sort of hearsay or information that was heard but not confirmed, and it’s usage is a little similar to らしい.

      However, there are two strange things about the example sentence you gave. One is the usage of ある after 住んで, and the other is the past tense of ある (ありました) before そう. Because of this, can you confirm there wasn’t a typo there, either sent me the link of take a picture of it?

      The version I found online didn’t have that.

      1. Charles

        I have a PDF scan of it, but I don’t have it available to add as a link. You can drop me an email and I’ll reply, or if you have a better plan…

        1. locksleyu Post author

          Sure, can you please email the PDF to “selftaughtjapanese (at) gmail.comm”, except remove the last “m” (I did this so spam bots don’t pick it up).



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