The art of 独占 (a puzzle game for iPhone)

By | June 22, 2015

Some of you may have noticed my rate of posts going down the last few months, and one of the reasons for that is I’ve been working on a side project. The project is actually an iPad game, which I recently released on the Apple App Store as a free app.

The game is called “Dokusen”, which is written in Japanese in 独占 and means “monopoly” or “domination”. It is a casual puzzle game that has some influence from the game of Go (囲碁) which I wrote about recently here.

If you have enjoyed this blog with 250+ entries on Japanese- and Japan-related topics, please consider downloading my game as a token of your appreciation (:

For those interested to learn more about the game or download it, you can check out it’s app store page here:

Also if you want to read more about the game, or game development in general,  you can check out this blog entry on another of my blogs:

iOS Simulator Screen Shot Jun 4, 2015, 9.14.25 PMiOS Simulator Screen Shot Jun 4, 2015, 9.15.04 PMiOS Simulator Screen Shot Jun 4, 2015, 9.14.47 PM

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