Category Archives: Reviews

Japanese literature review: “The Glimmer of Ink” (墨のゆらめき)By Shion Miura (三浦しをん)

Being busy with various things, I haven’t had a chance to read much paper-media Japanese literature in the last few months. But when I saw “The Glimmer of Ink” (墨のゆらめき)by Shion Miura (三浦しをん)in the Beaverton Kinokuniya bookstore, I decided to take another dive back into the delightful world of Japanese literature. Shion Miura is known… Read More »

Japanese book review: “マンガでわかる!10才までに覚えたい言葉1000”

Like many people, a majority of my study activities use a computer or mobile device, and the times when I use a physical textbook or other resource have drastically reduced over the last decade or two. Nevertheless, something can still be said for physical books that allow you to focus on studying without the countless… Read More »

Anime Movie Review: Belle

Even though I no longer watch Anime as frequently as I did ten years ago, I still try to check out new series here and there. In particular, anime movies seem to have a much higher average satisfaction level, especially those from big production houses or directors (Studio Ghibli, Makoto Shinkai, etc.) Recently I decided… Read More »