Category Archives: grammar

Japanese Literature: Using Western letters as placeholders for names

Compared to English, Japanese has countless differences in how things are expressed, including major things like word order, particles, and levels of politeness. However, if you ponder things long enough, and do enough research, you can often find something similar in English, or at least a roughly equivalent way to express things, whether that is… Read More »

Japanese expression: 〜してもしきれない (~shite mo shikirenai)

In this post I want to go over a Japanese expression that builds on a few fundamental grammar aspects to make an interesting result. The expression can be described in generic form as  〜してもしきれない (~shite mo shikirenai), but you can switch the “suru” verbs with any other verb.  First, let’s look an example:  この染み、拭いても拭ききれない  (kono… Read More »

Japanese expression: どうにでもなれ (dou ni demo nare)

In this post I’d like to go over the meaning and derivation of the expression “どうにでもなれ” (dou ni demo nare). While this expression is made up of a bunch of basic words, the resultant meaning may surprise you. First, let’s look at the individual words with their basic meanings どう (dou) A question word that… Read More »