Category Archives: General
Site review: Linguee (an online bilingual dictionary)
Doing a lot of translations these days, I come across a bunch of sites related to word meanings. One site of particular note that I would like to give a brief review of is Linguee ( This site supports meaning lookup for twenty-some languages, although I have only used it for Japanese to English. For… Read More »
An interesting Japanese expression about hunger
Learning useful day-to-day expressions is often one of the first priorities of a student of a foreign language, and being able to express being hungry (something which should happen to everyone daily) is pretty high on that list. The typical way we learn to express hunger is お腹が空く (onaka ga suku), which literally means “the… Read More »
Japanese literature translation: 風の又三郎 (Matasaburo of the Wind) by 宮沢賢治 (Kenji Miyazawa) [Part 5]
Japanese expression: 〜してもしきれない (~shite mo shikirenai)
In this post I want to go over a Japanese expression that builds on a few fundamental grammar aspects to make an interesting result. The expression can be described in generic form as 〜してもしきれない (~shite mo shikirenai), but you can switch the “suru” verbs with any other verb. First, let’s look an example: この染み、拭いても拭ききれない (kono… Read More »
Language Learning Tip: It’s *not* all about the vocab
Sometimes when I see a thread flying by on Twitter and feel strongly towards the subject matter I will consider chiming in, but the problem is that trying to present a proper counter-argument on Twitter can be tricky. Sure, you can use a bunch of Tweets, but it gets hard to read, and also directly… Read More »
売れる(ureru): a Mysterious Japanese Verb
In this post I’d like go over the Japanese verb 売れる (ureru) which can be a little tricky to understand. This verb is used fairly commonly in everyday life. First, let’s look at an example sentence: このテレビはよく売れるよ (kono terebi wa yoku ureru yo) When Japanese learners generally hear a sentence like the first time, they… Read More »
Japanese expression “ima sara” (今更、いまさら)
When learning a foreign language, knowing a diverse set of vocabulary words is an important requirement for becoming fluent. However, the number of words commonly used in everyday conversation is somewhat limited (at least compared to the number of words you would find in an average piece of literary fiction), and it’s also important to… Read More »
A hint to help improve comprehension and appreciation of Japanese literature
These days I’ve been spending a good portion of my time trying to find interesting and noteworthy Japanese fiction to translate and publish, a process I blogged about a few years ago here. But in this article I want to focus on a specific activity I discovered that really has helped me gain a better… Read More »
Japanese expression: どうにでもなれ (dou ni demo nare)
In this post I’d like to go over the meaning and derivation of the expression “どうにでもなれ” (dou ni demo nare). While this expression is made up of a bunch of basic words, the resultant meaning may surprise you. First, let’s look at the individual words with their basic meanings どう (dou) A question word that… Read More »