Category Archives: General
Japanese Grammar: Abbreviated causative-passive forms
During my Japanese studies, I’ve made it a point to try and have a thorough understanding of Japanese grammar because I feel that it gives me a good base not only for speaking and writing correctly, but also understanding nuances of the language I might otherwise miss. Just the other day the word “呼ばされる” (yobasareru)… Read More »
The process of publishing my first KDP paperback (and an important tip to save you days and dollars)
Japanese literature paperback release: “Fast Forward Japan: Stories by the Founding Father of Japanese Science Fiction” by Juza Unno
Japanese vocabulary: the power of 力 (“chikara”)
In this article I’d like to go over the Japanese kanji 力 (which can be read “chikara”, “ryoku”, or “riki”), including some compounds that are made with it. This kanji has a bunch of meanings, but the majority of them can be categorized as “power”, “force”, or “energy”. But before we get too far I… Read More »
Japanese literature translation: 風の又三郎 (Matasaburo of the Wind) by 宮沢賢治 (Kenji Miyazawa) [Part 2]
Excerpt of a Hayashi Fumiko story published on Books on Asia
Beware of fake Japanese proverbs
When learning a foreign language, it’s generally a good idea to learn some proverbs, what we call “kotowaza” (諺) in Japanese. It’s not just because they are a fun way to learn new words in context, but also because proverbs can express meaningful ideas in a concise form that often reflects that country’s history and… Read More »